Week 8

Nothing new to report. I went for an adjustment on February 28th and got new ligs and a slightly heavier wire. Not much pain after that adjustment and slight discomfort. Since then, I’ve noticed changes from one day to the next. Like, one day my incisors might be super tender then a couple days later they’re fine, but my premolars or molars hurt. Then they’re fine. Then the left hurts but not the right or vice versa. I’m just accepting it as part of the process…it isn’t all linear.

I love the ArchWired Metal Mouth forum but I must admit, I get kind of frustrated with some of the posts. YOU chose your ortho, did you do a good job? Do you trust him/her? You’re paying them a shit-ton of money, they’re there to answer your questions! I get the commiseration on the board, that makes sense to me. But the freak out posts that are like, “wah, I have a space where there wasn’t one before, wah!” is kind of annoying. Your. Teeth. Are. Being. Moved.

Whatev. Next adjustment on Friday, April 5th!