Day 4 in Braces

I still haven’t felt any “pain” – YAY ME!

However (ah, but of course!); boy oh boy! My right central and lateral incisors are sen-si-tive! I have be very gentle when I brush and floss. Also, my molar bands are doing a number on my tongue. I used wax the first two days and have since been fighting through it. I’m thinking I’ll wear it at night because last night was uncomfortable.

I have lost 5 pounds since this whole journey started – January 17th when I got spacers. I’ve moved from straight soft foods but I still can’t eat “normally” and comparing how I’ve eaten in the past, I won’t be returning to that type of eating anytime soon. No peanut m&m’s. No tortilla chips or Doritos or Fritos or microwave popcorn. No twizzlers… I have to cut my food up so much that I eat SO much less once it’s said and done. I simply get tired of trying to get it down. Today I made chicken fajitas at my husband’s request and they looked and smelled so good, I couldn’t wait to eat. Errr, biting into the fajita was impossible. I ended up with a taco salad sort of thing and it was not a satisfying!

I am having slight difficulties with certain sounds like F’s and S’s. I bite my tongue a lot. And I love (LOVE) my Water Pik. Best investment ever!